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The role of ethics in scientific research is to correct, create principles, and govern individual behaviors. The pursuit of knowledge can be dangerous when one takes it too far. Science is a study in which people can learn, create, and investigate certain important aspects of life. Dedicating too much time to studying in one’s life can lead to not only obsessiveness, but all-consuming suffering. The Lord has created the world uniquely and wonderfully. God has made humans all in his image, and expects them as his followers to seek His will for their lives and follow. Technology benefits today’s society by improving difficult situations, and speeding up the time for different positions. However, when technology takes over, humans neglect the basic functions of life. When technology becomes an idol, and takes away the sole purposes of life, it is a negative concept. Therefore, when technology improves and benefits, it is necessary, and when it takes away and brings destruction, it should be absent. Frankenstein is an example of a negative correlation between life and science. Victor sacrifices relationships, wealth, and an abundance of time to his desires, leading to broken hearts and death. Studies in ethics and science allow humans to discover new developments and encourage others to learn more about the world around them.

Words: 215

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